
また、ミュージックビデオにおけるコンテンポラリーダンサーとの共演が世界的な話題となり、09年に音楽×ダンス公演『JUNRAY DANCE CHANG』を世田谷パブリックシアターにて開催。
12年に後関好宏、須原杏をメンバーに迎え、国際的な舞台芸術祭「KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2012」への参加、アニメ『惡の華』のEDテーマ曲の提供など、既存の音楽の枠に捕らわれない活動を展開している。


ASA-CHANG commenced activities as a solo unit in 1997. Tabla wizard U-zhaan joined in 2000, and the group began staging live performances with Junray Tronics. Its music is imbued with a distinctive vibe produced by the combination of tribal and abstract sounds.
Beginning in 2000, the group appeared at Fuji Rock for five consecutive years, a feat unmatched by any other acts.
After its 2001 release in Japan, “Hana,” its second album, was also released in the United Kingdom under the Leaf label, and was selected as the fourth best album of 2002 by the British magazine The Wire and best album of the same year by Mojo Magazine and Muzik. Besides these accolades in Europe, the group and “Hana” received extensive coverage in the music media of Australia, the United States, Chile, and other countries around the world. A collaboration with contemporary dancers in a music video created a buzz worldwide, and was followed in 2009 by the staging of “Aoiro Theater” featuring their music with dance at Setagaya Public Theatre. A production that could only have been created by a musician (and ex-makeup artist), the work garnered high ratings for its free conception untrammeled by the conventional framework of stage arts. In 2010, Asa-Chang made a fresh start as a solo unit and began to be handled by precog. It has since remained active in creative forms that go beyond established ideas of music.
In 2012, it unveiled the opus “NEW Aoiro Theater” at Kyoto Experiment 2012 with the addition of Yoshihiro Goseki and Anzu Suhara as members.

In addition, in September 2014, they launched the live series “Aufheben!” in which they have collaborated with artists across various genres, including the world-renowned butoh dancer Ko Murobushi, video Artist Kazumasa Teshigahara, comic artist Shuzo Oshimi, and creator Seiko Ito, further evolving and deepening their activities.

Live performances were held in 4 cities in Germany in 2018 and in Russia and Lithuania in 2019.
In 2022, a remix contest was held as an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the release of “Hana”, and there were many entries from all over the world.
After a period of forced self-restraint due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2023 we performed at Japan’s largest outdoor music festival, “FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL”.